Central Junior District Scoreform - Vocal

Melodic AccuracyThe student performs;
all pitches/notes accurately.
almost all pitches/notes accurately.
most pitches/notes accurately.
some pitches/notes accurately.
few accurate pitches/notes.
no pitches/notes accurately.
Rhythmic AccuracyThe student performs;
all rhythms accurately.
almost all rhythms accurately.
most rhythms accurately.
some rhythms accurately.
few accurate rhythms.
no rhythms accurate.
IntonationThe student's Intonation;
is accurate and in tune.
is almost accurate and in tune.
is mostly accurate and in tune.
is somewhat accurate and in tune.
is often inaccurate with significant intonation problems throughout.
is inaccurate.
MusicianshipThe student _
TechniqueThe student _

Melodic AccuracyThe student performs;
all pitches/notes accurately.
almost all pitches/notes accurately.
most pitches/notes accurately.
some pitches/notes accurately.
few accurate pitches/notes.
no pitches/notes accurately.
did not attempt.
Rhythmic AccuracyThe student performs;

ScaleThe _